54th Track & Field Meet and Inaugural Games Day
Posted on November 20, 2015

The 11th of November 2015 finally arrived – a day that many of the boys had been eagerly awaiting. The atmosphere was electric with our boys cheering their respective houses on. The stands at Anglo Chinese Junior College were filled.

The 54th Track and Field Meet was significant in that this was the first year that games have been introduced at the meet in addition to the track events. There was Captain’s Ball for Primary 3, Hand Ball for Primary 4, Ultimate Frisbee for Primary 5 and Rounders for Primary 6. The boys could either sign up for the track events or for the games. This allowed for greater participation among the boys and promoted stronger house spirit and provided the boys with a platform to play the games that they had learnt in PE. There was a palpable sense of anticipation in the air as Mr Koh, our principal, gave the opening speech and declared the Sports Day open.

The track events began with the Primary 3 100m race. It was heartening to see so many of the boys signing up to take part in their first ever race. At the same time as the track events were taking place, the boys taking part in the various games went off to their respective venues. Over the next few hours, the boys ran, jumped, played ball, threw frisbees, batted in rounders and just had fun. Everyone then returned to watch the 4 x 100m relays for each year level which had always been a highlight. As the boys raced around the track for their houses, they were cheered on by all present!
The day culminated in the prize giving ceremony and there were many a smiling face as the boys went up to get their medals from Mr Koh, many for the first time as a result of the various games played. It had been a tiring day for all involved, but the sense of achievement and pride of the boys could be felt by everyone present.

We thank the teachers who had put in a lot of effort to organize the event, the many parents volunteers who had given of their time to help out, and most of all, we give glory to God for watching over us, keeping us safe and making the event such a successful and fun one for the boys. Till the next track and field meet and games day, as always- The Best Is Yet To Be!