International friendship day 2019
Posted on April 12, 2019

International Friendship Day was celebrated during recess with the boys in conjunction with the Science department at school!
The theme was centered around ASEAN and the Teachers crafted a fun quiz for the boys on a mix of topics related to the region – culture, language, history and more.
The Library subcom kindly assisted in helping to do up some info boards and posters on the many rescue missions that the Singapore Armed Forces has been involved in the region, to drive home the concept of interdependence in a region as diverse as ours. After reading the information, they got to play a fun game of matching the names of the rescue missions to the ships and aircrafts involved in those missions!
The boys also got to see and talk to the PVs about traditional South-east Asian spirts like Muay Thai, Longboat racing, Silat and Sepak Takraw.
The boys enjoyed themselves thoroughly and we are sure they learnt a lot too!