Toy Buffet 2019

Posted on November 12, 2019

Once the year-end assessments ended, our Parent Volunteers kicked back into high gear and as the school called for donations of toys, new and old, they helped to sort and wrap all these as gifts for the children at Toy Buffet 2019, run by Food From the Heart. An annual event, it treats about 3,000 underprivileged children to toys, games and yummy food!

After 3 days of wrapping and sorting, many boys and volunteers turned up bright and early at Nanyang Polytechnic to decorate our booth to the theme of Superheroes! Our other superheroes reported to school first, to help carry, and load all the toys onto the bus to be transported to NYP.

Over the course of the day, approximately 3,000 children were given 10,000 toys by various organisations, of which at least 800 were from us! The smiles the kids gave us and their gleaming eyes when they saw their favourite toys on display were so heart-warming!

Many of our boys commented that the kids they met has such big hearts, choosing toys for their siblings instead of themselves, the boys said they wished they could learn to love more and give more too!

We hope all our boys have learnt how much joy can come from giving and sharing, and are looking forward to next year and more opportunities to share!

Check out the photo gallery here.